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Why You Should Buy A New Car Instead Of A Used Car [Expert Advice]

Why You Should Buy A New Car Instead Of A Used Car [Expert Advice]

When you’re buying a car most people have one question; should you buy a new or used car. And although it can be cheaper to buy a used car for those of us who want to save money, buying a new car is a better investment.

Why You Should Buy A New Car Instead Of A Used Car [Expert Advice] 1

While most people buy a new car because it will last longer than a car that has already been on the road, there are several reasons why you should buy a new car if you can do so.


Warranty 1

One of the best things about buying a brand-new car is that they almost always come with a warranty. Most new cars have a warranty of about 3 years from the purchase date or up to 100, 000 if that comes first. This means that you won’t have to worry about anything happening to your vehicle over the period of the warranty, so you can feel free to drive the car however you like because you will be covered.

Warranty 2

Also, some dealers will allow you to pay a bit extra for an extended warranty so that you can be covered over a longer period. Although this is not always necessary, and you don’t need a warranty to drive a car, it is nice to know that you won’t have to panic if something goes wrong with the car in the future. 

Less up-keep

Less up-keep

When you buy a new car, you will find that is a lot easier to look after compared to a used car, because there is less upkeep involved. For starters, new cars do not cost as much money to insure, because they are more reliable because they have never been driven and are made of newer parts.

Less up-keep 1

And because these vehicles are made of newer parts, you won’t have to worry about replacing things like your tires or your battery as often, because they will last for a while after the vehicle has been bought.

Find what you want

Find what you want

When you are looking to buy a brand new car, the world is your oyster. You can buy any car that is on the market when you are buying a new car, but when you are buying a used car, you are subject to whatever is available at the time that you are looking to buy. This could mean that you have to settle for a car that you aren’t 100% satisfied with because it is all that you can get at the time.

Find what you want 1

When you are buying a new car, however, you are spoilt for choice, and you can find the exact car that you want. Websites like Price My Car are great for people that want to compare the prices of new cars because it allows you to look at all of the dealers in your area to find the best price for the car that you want.

Better resale value

Better resale value

Something else to consider when buying a new car is that the resale value, later on, will be better than that of a used car. It is easier to get a better price for a newer car when you choose to resell your car in the future because a car’s value depreciates over the years as newer models of the same car come out. Even if the car has not been used for some time and it has fairly low kilometres, a newer used car will always be more preferable than an older used car, because the parts will be newer and in better working order. This why newer cars last longer than older used cars.

Better resale value 1

There are many reasons why buying a new car is better than buying a used car. If you can afford to buy a new car, it is obviously more preferable for most people, but there are some reasons why buying a used car may be better as well. The key is to figure out what you want out of the car and weigh up your finances before you decide what sort of car you are looking to buy. If you do this before you go and buy a car, you will ensure that you buy the best car for yourself, whether it is a new or a used car.

Better resale value 2


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