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25+ Email Marketing Stats You Need to Know

Nowadays, various digital marketing strategies are available to draw in customers and using email may seem old-fashioned. 


Nevertheless, email is still one of the best ways to attract customers. This article compiles recent and relevant facts about email marketing around the globe and in Australia. 

Top Email Marketing Stats

  • There will be approximately 4.28 billion people who use email in 2022.
  • In 2021, email was the third most used marketing strategy.
  • In November 2021, email marketing was the second most monitored metric by content marketers around the globe.   
  • The average time spent by people reading brand emails in 2021 was ten seconds. 
  • Salesforce was the leading email service provider that marketers used in 2021.  
  • In 2020, email marketing’s ROI was 3600.  
  • Australia’s rate of email marketing click-through in 2020 was the highest globally at 3.1%. 
  • In 2020, Australians unregistered from marketing emails at twice the rate of other regions. 
  • In 2021, 78% of business-to-business marketers used email as a digital marketing strategy. 
  • By 2027, the email marketing industry’s value is predicted to increase to approximately $1.79 billion. 

Global Email Marketing Stats

Email Marketing Ranking

1. Email Marketing Ranking

Data from campaign monitor and Statista indicates that in 2021, email newsletters were the third most used content marketing strategy.


A survey conducted in November 2021 showed that the frequency of use of short articles and blog posts by marketers for marketing was 91%. The survey also revealed that social media posts were the second most popular marketing strategy with 88%, email newsletters ranked third at 78%, and videos ranked fourth at 69%. 


Additionally, small enterprises regard email as the second best way to create brand awareness—ahead of paid media and content marketing and behind social media posts. 

Number of Registered Email Users Globally

2. Number of Registered Email Users Globally

According to Statista, in 2022, the number of email users is estimated to be 4.258 billion, and the number is set to increase to 4.594 billion by 2025. 


3. Automated DigitalMarketing 

A global survey by Statista in 2021 established that email was ranked as the most automated digital marketing platform. 


A 2021 marketers survey in June 2021 revealed that 65% of marketing emails are automated; this is no surprise, given the number of emails sent daily. 


Social channels ranked second with a 47% automation rate, while the rates for paid advertisements and landing pages were 28% and 30%, respectively.  

Tracked Marketing Metrics

4. Tracked Marketing Metrics

Research from Statista in November 2021 revealed that email engagement was content marketers’ second most monitored metrics globally. 


The research revealed that content marketers monitored page views at 62%, while email engagement monitoring was at 58%. 


Digital platform and website engagement ranked third at 57%, while conversions were ranked fourth at 52%. 


34% of marketers monitored the number of email subscribers, while 43% of marketers monitored search rankings.

5. Emails Opened Through Webmail

Research done by Super Office and Statista showed that in September 2021, 40% of emails were opened through webmail. 


In September 2021, phone email stats indicated that 36.6% of people opened emails on their mobiles. 


Nevertheless, a 2020 report established that around 20% of business-to-business marketers didn’t optimise their email marketing campaigns for mobile phone viewing.  Only 15.8% of users used their desktops to open their emails. 

Email Providers

6. Email Providers

A study by Statista in 2021 revealed that Gmail had the largest market share among email providers. The provider commands 36.5% of the market share, making them the leading email client globally.  


Apple’s iPhone came in second at 33%, with mail and Mail Privacy commanding 10% and 6.6% of the market share, respectively. Only 5.9% of email users used Outlook. 

Email Provider Marketers Use

7. Email Provider Marketers Use

A survey done by Statista also indicated that the leading email service provider marketers used in 2021 was Salesforce. 


As of August 2021, 23% of worldwide professionals use Salesforce Marketing Cloud to send marketing emails.  


Other popular email providers are Mailchimp (21%), Hubspot and Marketo (each with 10%) and Sales Pardot (8%). 

8. Leading Email Marketing Application Based on Income

A report from Statista established that as of January 2020, the most lucrative email marketing SaaS (Software-as-a-Service) was Mailchimp, with an 800 million USD yearly recurring income. 


ActiveCampaign ranked second with 165 million USD, while SendInBlue and Mailup ranked third with 65 million USD each. Other companies like Convertkit and Campaign Monitor each made 29 million USD and 33 million USD, respectively.  


9. Time Spent Reading Emails 

Data from Statista indicates that in 2021, on average, consumers spent ten seconds reading brand emails. 


The global study of eight million people who opened company emails between January and August 2021 revealed that recipients spent four seconds less reading every message than they did ten years before. 


The highest number recorded was 13.4 seconds in 2018, which declined to 11.8 in 2020. 

10. Worldwide Email Marketing ROI

In 2020, a study by Statista established that the worldwide average email marketing ROI was 3600%.


Reports from 2020’s second quota indicated the average ROI from email marketing was roughly 36 USD for each 1 USD invested.


Nevertheless, the email marketing ROI differed greatly depending on the sector, namely: 


  • eCommerce, consumer goods and retail—$45
  • Advertising, public relations, and marketing—$42
  • Technology and software—$36
  • Entertainment and sports, events, publishing, and media—$32

11. Leading Email Marketing Tools Based on Delivery Rate 

A global survey conducted in 2021 established that the leading email marketing software based on the delivery rate is as follows:  


  • ActiveCampaign—86.53%
  • GetResponse—85.92%
  • Campaign Monitor—85.06%
  • CleverReach—84.57%
  • Klick-Tipp—83.78%


The most popular Australian marketing tools like SendInBlue and AWeber ranked lower with 81.49% and 81.89%, respectively. 


Mailchimp delivered 79.92% of emails to consumers’ inboxes, with 4.08% lost and 16% labelled as spam. 

12. Email Marketing Frequency

According to the content marketing institute, 61% of users prefer receiving promotional emails weekly, while 38% prefer receiving them more frequently. 32% of businesses reach out to clients twice or thrice a month, while 19% of users reach out to their clients 4 to 6 times monthly. Only 16% of businesses reach out to customers more than six times a month. 

13. Email Marketing Personalization

According to Statista,74% of consumers don’t like getting irrelevant content; this makes personalisation an essential email marketing approach. 77% of businesses use email to send their customers personalised content. 66% of digital marketers customise emails based on age. Marketing emails with personalised subjects have a 26% increased open rate. 

Australian Email Marketing Stats

14. Australia’s Email Marketing CTOR

According to Statista, in 2020, Australia’s email marketing CTOR was at 14.8%. These 2020 email marketing stats indicate that based on region, Oz ranked second based on email marketing click-to-open rate globally, almost tying with USA’s  14.9% click-to-open rate.  


Africa, the Middle East, and Europe came in third with a 14.3% CTOR, while Britain came last at 9.9%. The global CTOR average is 14.1%. 

15. Email Marketing Open Rate

 In 2020, Statista conducted a survey that established that Australia’s email marketing open rate was below 20.6%.  


In terms of specific marketing email benchmarks in 2020, like open rate, Oz led the pack. The EMEA region came in second at 19%, while the average globally was 18%. The United Kingdom ranked last with 16.4%, while the United States has a 17.6% rate. 

16. Australians Unsubscribing From Email Marketing 

Data from Statista indicated that in 2020, Australians unsubscribed from email marketing at twice the rate of other countries.


In 2020, the average rate of email marketing unsubscriptions among Australians was 0.2%, while the global average stood at 0.1%. 

17. The Best Platform to reach Aussies

According to Cheetah Digital’s digital consumer report, clients like being engaged with incentives and content through email. The report established that in Australia, email marketing was more popular than display and social advertising by 228%. 63% of Aussies don’t trust social channels with their data, with 69% of them finding cookie monitoring creepy.

18. Best Time To Send Out Marketing Emails

According to a Campaign Monitor report, Friday is the best day to send out marketing emails as it has a 2.7% clickthrough rate and 1n 18.9% opening rate. The click-to-open rate for Friday was 18.9%. Saturday is the worst day to send marketing emails as it recorded a 17.3% open rate worldwide and a 2.4% click-through rate. 

19. Australia’s Email Marketing CTR

According to Statista, in 2020, Australia’s click-through rate (CTR) was the highest globally at 3.1%.  


The global average of email marketing CTRs stood at 2.6% in 2020, the same percentage in the United States. 


EMEA’s click-through rate was 2.7%, while in the United Kingdom, the CTR was almost half that of Australia’s at 1.6%. 

Email Marketing Stats by Industry

20. Australia’s Email Marketing Stats By Type of Sender 

A report by Statista indicated that business-to-consumer had the highest open rate in the first six months of 2020.


Worldwide, email marketing stats varied by sender type from January to June 2020: 


Unique open rate Click-to-open rate Click rate Unsubscribe rate Bounce rate
Business to Business 22% 15% 6% 0.12% 1.2%
Business to Consumer  25% 13% 5% 0.22% 1.1%
Association 19% 7% 3% 0.14% 1.8%


21. Business-to-Business Adopting Email Marketing

In 2021, a study by Statista revealed that 78% of business-to-business marketers adopted emails as a digital marketing tool.  


Besides email, marketers adopted other digital channels such as


  • Digital ads (93%)
  • Digital content (90%)
  • Social media (92%)
  • Website or app (86%)
  • Video (89%)
  • Sponsorships and events (85%)

22. Effectiveness of Email Marketing 

Data from Statista also established that in 2020, 39% of digital marketers felt that the effectiveness of email marketing held steady. 


Four out of ten global business-to-consumer and business-to-business marketers agreed that in 2020, email marketing was as effective as ever; 14% felt it was declining, while 30% felt its effectiveness was increasing. 

23. Email Marketing and Sales Generation

A report from Statista also found that 36.1% of small businesses attributed to 2021’sale increase to email marketing.


More than a third of small businesses globally felt that in 2021, email marketing had the best success rate.  


Small businesses also found that other digital marketing platforms increased sales. 18.9% of the SMBs agreed that social channels increased sales, while 11.2% swore by landing pages.  7.5 % of SMBs found content marketing effective, while 8.3% relied on advertisements.  

24. Video Implementation in Marketing Emails

According to Statista, in 2020, 47% of companies added videos in marketing emails as part of their business-to-business marketing approach. Nevertheless, this was a 55% decline reported globally in 2018. 

Trends in Email Marketing 

25. Number of Emails Exchanged Worldwide

A report by Statista estimates that the number of emails exchanged worldwide is set to increase to 376.4 billion by 2025. 


Currently, the volume of received and sent emails for business and personal reasons globally is around 333.2  billion daily, and it is predicted to grow steadily in the coming years.  

26. Email Marketing’s Market Value 

Statista estimates that the email marketing market value is set to grow to approximately 17.9 billion USD by 2027. 


As of 2020, the email marketing income globally stood at 7.5 billion USD and was predicted to grow over the next eight years at a CAGR (Compound Annual Growth Rate) of 13.3%. 

27. SEO Experts Dedicating Digital Marketing Budgets To Email  

Data from Litmus and Statista indicate that 5.1% of SEO professionals in 2021 were dedicating their entire online marketing budgets to email. 


On the other side of the spectrum, 14.2% of SEO professionals weren’t spending any cash on email.


Nevertheless,29% of the professionals were spending a bit; 19.5% spent most of their budgets on it, while 32.2% spent moderate amounts on digital marketing. In 2022, 37% of companies intend to increase their email marketing budget, while 1.3% intend to decrease it. 

28. Interactive Design In Email Marketing 

A common mistake companies make when sending marketing emails that aren’t interactive. According to Litmus, 91% of users want interactive emails; however, only 17% of businesses  provide them.   

Final Thoughts

Currently, email marketing is the most budget-friendly and effective way to engage prospective and existing customers. Therefore, Australian companies need to invest in email marketing. To do this, you first have to find the best emailing software.



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